Sam Buckingham

Clear communication

As our world leaders take the stand and announce policy on how they plan to help slow down and contain the Corona Virus, we start to see just how important clear communication is. I was interested to compare the impact of each of the countries leaders as an exercise of evaluating the speaking prowess of…

Sam Buckingham

What’s your leadership language?

There are various language styles we use depending on the situation or forum we are in. Common language, informal language and formal language pretty much sums up the most common ones. The lesson on language is indelibly printed in my mind since a few weeks following my 12th birthday pool party. It was a hot…

Sam Buckingham

Every word has it’s own energy

I have been coaching a 15 year old, gifted and talented student from a prestigious Sydney private school over the past few weeks who has been moved out of the A-level debating team to the B team. He’s devastated. Literally … His intellect is next level. His idea’s are brilliant, arguments strong and use of…

Sam Buckingham

Head Speak

Definition: The telling of a lot of information in a manner that is void of personality, energy and heart. Result: Numbing. Content overwhelm and impact underwhelm. Minimal retention. It’s a condition that plagues many people. In fact, similar to a virus, you can carry it without even knowing, going about your life “affecting” people without…